No matter what type of travel you’re planning, you definitely want to plan everything out prior to departure. Ahead, are some great ways to do just that.
When traveling abroad, rather than doing local currency exchanges, use ATMs to make withdrawals. Banks often have better rates for exchanging money than you will find on your own. You end up with more savings if you go to a bank.
It is often wise to choose an aisle seat. The seat with a view leaves you trapped and at the mercy of the consideration of those next to you while the aisle seat allows you the freedom to move unrestricted for whatever action you need to take.
When traveling around other countries, beware of fraudulent taxis. Some “taxis” are not legitimate. Any person can throw a “taxi” label on a vehicle, meaning you may have no idea who they are or where you will end up.
Do your homework before making a booking. This will put you in the most comfortable position when flying or driving. Ask those who have traveled there before. When you do thorough research you can make good plans and avoid unpleasant surprises.
Keep your most important information and items close to you at all times. When carrying a purse, make sure you keep it tucked under your arm. Do not purchase bags that have easy open zippers and compartments. The easier the bag is to open, the more likely someone can slip away with something while you are distracted. Keep these things in mind when you choose a bag for your trip.
Use hotel ice for having filtered water for your coffee in the morning. Rather than drinking tap water, put ice in the ice bucket and let it all melt overnight. You can also brew tasty coffee in the morning.
Your budget may not allow you to stay in a four star hotel. If you aren’t happy with your hotel, take along a doorstop. After locking your hotel room door, you can put down the doorstop to further secure it. While it is relatively simple to break a chain or lock, entering the room will be almost impossible if you have the extra protection of a doorstop.
If you are traveling to foreign countries, know what to do if you lose your passport or encounter an issue. The U.S. State Department keeps a website available for you to check information on contacting the Consulate or U.S. Embassy in the country you are visiting. Know about these helpful resources ahead of time. In the majority of cases, a passport replacement is ready within a couple of days.
There are many reasons to plan activities when traveling. Rather than just taking meal and bathroom breaks, the trip will be more entertaining. Provide your kids with an itinerary for the route so they’re able to focus on each destination on the way to the location.
Take an early flight to avoid a delay in your flight. A flight delayed earlier in the day could cause other flights throughout the day to become late too. The first flight during the morning is very limited with delays.
Tip generously to those who deserve it. As you board the cruise, tip $20 to your steward. For the time you are on the ship, it’s likely you’ll continue having the same crew. By being generous, they should take good care of you.
When traveling, and sitting for long periods of time, get up about once every hour to stretch out your legs. If on a plane, go to the restroom even if you don’t need to. Stiff muscles and blood clots can occur if you are stationary for too long.
When traveling with young children, pack nutritious snacks. You should pack more than you think they will eat. This will keep them busy and happy so that they won’t cause too many problems on the trip. Even some junk food is harmless this one time.
Consider comprehensive traveler’s insurance when heading to exotic locations. This will protect you if something were to go wrong.
When planning an overseas vacation, a good money-saving tip is to invite friends to go along. Many hotels and airlines offer discounts for large groups. This usually equals savings, whether it be in the form of dining discounts or airfare specials. Find out who wants to come with you by networking with friends.
Put all of your contact information on a clearly visible label inside all of your luggage. If the outside luggage tag is lost along with your luggage, the inside tag could get the bag back to you. Placing labels on the interior of your bag can help to ensure that you will get your belongings back, regardless of how long they are out of sight.
Beware of emails concerning travel deals. If you never joined the company’s email list or don’t recognize the company, delete the email without opening it.
Check with your chosen airline to verify their carry-on policy, which should include information about the maximum bag size. Most airlines allow not only the carry-on bag, but also a laptop bag or purse as well. Use this to your advantage to keep all your important items with you.
When you are traveling by bus and you stop for maintenance or layovers, make sure you take all valuables with you when you get off of the bus. During this time it may give someone an opportunity to take something that doesn’t belong to them, so make sure you are not a victim.
If you want to take your pet along with you on your travels, it is important to look into hotels that are pet-friendly. Pay attention to whether or not they charge extra fees for allowing animals. Find a few different lodgings that allow for pets, so you can compare prices and options to determine which one best fits your needs.
How much preparation you do before traveling can really influence how enjoyable your trip turns out to be. You’ll leave feeling good, and you’ll get to your destination in great spirits.