Birding in your home city or even country can become boring over time. This is because birding is essentially the pastime of seeking out different birds. This is then recorded in what is referred to as a bird list. Other information noted could include pictures/sketches, general info on the birds, physical characteristics and social behaviour. This would depend on each individual birder. The thing is, that there are only so many species per area. You would have to venture out further into the world to be able to grow your bird list. This is why overseas adventures are undertaken, such an example being Zambia birding tours. By booking into Zambia birding tours, you would be getting a holiday package deal that focuses specifically on birding. Since majority of your time during the trip will be birding, you would have the opportunity to sight at a maximum level. Your birding opportunities on the Zambia birding tours rises solely because of the guide that is included.
You would probably not have any indication of the calibre of guide you would be getting if you book them individually. Going with a travel company ensures that you would get a high quality guide. This is because the best guides attach themselves to tour companies and tour companies never hire unless a strict set of requirements are met. Their experience with the land means that they know how to structure the day to get the most out of birding. Remember, you only have 2 weeks for the trip and since you would want your future trips to be to different areas around the world, you would want to make the most out of your birding trip to Zambia. On your average Zambia birding tours you would add around 300 species of birding to your lift list.
Since Zambia birding tours will not be your normal holiday package, exactly how will the days be structured, when no touring of iconic spots are to be done. As any birder will know, there is not sufficient time in the day when birding. Hours can just fly on by. On Zambia birding tours, each day starts off really early, around dawn. This is to catch all of the early morning antics of the birds. Generally, this is when birds are at their most active. This time of day is perfect for just watching them and their social antics. Breakfast is then eaten on the go, upon which the tour group returns to continue birding. A fair amount of time is given to each species spotted but there will definitely be no time to sit down, relax and sketch them. The tour is constantly on the move, as there is limited time for bird watching. After lunch on the go, it is time for the last bit of birding for the day before retiring to the lodge. At this juncture, Zambia birding tours have allocated time to be spent travelling to the next destination or to do catch up sessions.